Airline booking flow

Streamlining airline booking flow


Redesigning the booking flow of the website and mobile application of the airline. The goal of this project was to offer the best online customer experience in combination with suggestions for offline services in the travel industry, powered by a cross-platform interface, made to reach several type of users, that are part of the general target customers.



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Mobile Prototype

Following the guidelines of the “booking flow model”, two User Interfaces (mobile and web) were designed to test its validity, also in improving the customer experience.

A set of tasks was designed to test the booking flow and particular design solutions. Users needed to imagine themselves in a context of buying the ticket through mobile app for a specified number of people and days. They had to go through the whole flow: starting from searching for the flight, then picking the price, filling in passenger information, buying extra services, paying and finishing with the confirmation page.

The participants noted that the flow was smooth and clear and the application “looked professional” and visually appealing. Some of them also mentioned that using the app for the second and subsequent times would be easier implying that the application is easy to learn. All users mentioned a sufficient amount of shortcomings which has turned into a list of 32 points for improvement in the second major iteration in Hi-Fi prototype.

Paper Prototyping

Project Planning

project plan

Customer Flow

Full customer journey

The “booking stage” has been identified as the crucial step in which SAS can propose and sell services to its customers, in order to improve the customer experience. Booking flow that could work as a model for future developments was proposed. The checkpoints of this model were selected, designed and put in order according to the findings of the Research Phase.

Ideal customer journey

User Research

User research methodology

The interfaces of the website and mobile app (made for iOS) were tested among two group of users that are experienced travellers, and usually purchase their flight tickets using airlines and aggregators websites.


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3D landmarks for navigation devices ›